Bhutanese people are known for being physically strong, independent, and having a ready sense of humor. Hospitality is a valued social value in Bhutan, and people often wear colorful dresses.
The people of Bhutan are made up of several ethnic groups, including:
The third largest group in Bhutan, the Lhotshampa are primarily from Nepal and live in the south of the country. They speak Nepali and practice Hinduism.
Also known as “Bhote”, the Ngalop are of Tibetan origin and live in the northern and western parts of Bhutan. They make up less than 20% of the population, but have a significant influence on Bhutan’s politics and social life.
The earliest residents of Bhutan, the Sharchops are primarily from eastern Bhutan. They are believed to have originated from tribes in northern Burma and northeast India.
Believed to be the earliest settlers in Bhutan, the Monpa live in villages on the mountain slope overlooking Mangde Chhu. They practice a mix of Buddhism and animistic shaminism.
Also known as Sharchopka, Tshangla is the primary language of the Sharchop people. It is an unwritten language with no alphabet and is not taught in schools.
A people group found only in Bhutan, the Kurtop are part of the South Asian Buddhist people cluster. Their primary language is Kurtokha.